Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays

 As we are about to reach the end of this year I would like to thank you all for your support, friendship, likes, advice you have given me during the year. As always I really appreciated and treasured your opinions. Please stay tuned in the coming year as well.... new designs - modern and vintage are on their way. But for this year all I want to wish you and your loved one Happy Holidays and a very successful new year! Love, judit

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Simple yet Lovely

Infusing vintage style into everyday life:) My latest vintage inspired necklace...Look at that picture - and let your imagination flow....happy era....gorgeous clothes.....peace.

Monday, November 12, 2012


As I mentioned before - I've been working on My Vintage line. I made many earrings and necklaces.... now I am waiting impatiently for my supplies. The first pieces are going to go to a shop but after that Glassimo Vintage will be available on my Artfire online-shop. Just a quick peek view of a simple one:) :

Friday, November 9, 2012

A little edgy.....

Winter inspired new design. I know it is a little edgy - not for everyone. But I like daring jewelry - making it and wearing it, too.  What about you?
Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

My submission.....

And finally!!:) My submission for the Wardrobe Stylish of The Vampires Diaries. I wanted to design something truly original, mysterious, something that whispers danger....What do you think?:)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Vintage

New medium, new line, new style - My Vintage.

This is the first piece of my new project for a shop. It is not fused glass, not modern but still Glassimo. My Vintage Line. For this jewelry collection I will be using hand-made unique papers from around the world, vintage finds and later on I'll combine it with fused glass and enamel... or whatever I find interesting to create a truly unique and happy jewelry.
More challenges = more fun. New path - hope you'll come with me!:) More to come soon!

Monday, October 15, 2012

My pumpkins

Since my kids are grown up we don't  really decorate our house for Halloween. I always buy some pumpkins, flowers with Fall's color.... and that's about it. But this year I wanted something (little) different - I painted the pumpkins with regular craft acrylic paints. I did not have any pre-defined design or pattern idea.... I just started painting:)... mostly with sponge brush. The hardest thing is not to over-decorate the pumpkins.:) Perfect fun project for weekend - even with small kids!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Shades of Gray Collection

just added rings and post earrings...simple fun!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Three Shades of Gray

Three shades of gray sometimes is better than 50 - don't you think?:) New listing on Etsy:

Friday, October 5, 2012

Vampire Diaries

As members of The Artisan Group few of us had a fantastic opportunity to send our products to the stylist on the CW hit show The Vampire Diaries. The stylist will select which items (jewelry, handbag, accessories, graphic t-shirts etc) will be used in the show. Now I need 
to do a little research on the vampires....:) I'll show you my (dark)design soon!

Monday, October 1, 2012

New line

Thank you all who patiently waited for my new items. I'm back to work
now - here is my new line of jewelry with fun colors. I'll post it on
Etsy today.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Salvage Wood Shelves DIY

As I've promised previously I'm now writing about my version of salvaged wood shelves. You've seen them everywhere.... in magazines, Pinterest, trendy home design stores... you like the look of the distressed wood but not the high price they ask for these cool shelves... I felt the same way. So after a little research I made my own - needless to say in a fraction of the West Elm price. You don't need experience or fancy tools, everything is basic and simple. So, lets see what I did: First I went to Home Depot and asked them to cut 6 pinewood shelves to the right size. Meanwhile I picked up the wood stain I wanted to use. I want my shelf in old looking, dark brown so I used Minwax stain in dark walnut.  I bought brushes, brush cleaners, sandpaper and rag cloth to wipe away the stain. And that's about it - shopping list-wise.
I worked in our garage - you will need a big working table and a well ventillated space . First, use sandpaper or sanding machine on every side of the wood to make it clean and smooth... Then the fun part begins when we distress the wood. If you check out old wood shelves the first thing you might notice is that there are no sharp edges. What the time did to the wood we do this with hammer: hit the edges, make them round and uneven... After that use nails, fork, sharp knife... whatever you find around you to make the wood "worn out".  You can not make a mistake - hit, scratch the surface... have fun but don't overdo it and try not to make patterns - which can give the unwanted fake look to the wood. When you finished, wipe the surface - make sure it is clean. Read the instruction of the stain. Cover your table (you might use four posts to elevate your wood for easier painting). With your brush paint one side of the shelf - then you must wait a certain amount of time (depends of how dark you want the color be) then use the rag cloth and wipe the stain away. But be careful (I messed up it first time) - always wipe in one direction!
I only used one coat of stain. I let one side completely dry before i moved to the next side.  The stain play up the wood scraches nicely - look so cool!:)
You can use any kind of shelf bracket - modern, country, vintage... I choose the simpliest Home Depot kind because I wanted an industrial look - and I'm very happy with the result!:) I hope that you like it too - let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, September 14, 2012

I'm back

Hi Friends,

I hope that you all had a wonderful Summer - and are now ready for the
cooler seasons!
I haven't posted for a while - not because I neglected my blog but
because of the move to our new home and our annual visit to Hungary.
Needless to say the last few months were extremely  stressful - but our
new home is almost done - except my studio - which I'm doing right now.
(Even tough  I'm still suffering from the nine hour time difference:))
Because I had to put my work on hold for months I need to catch up on it
I haven't forgot that I promised to write about my "salvage wood shelf"
project - and I will post pictures of our new house for those who are
New jewelry and home decor collections are coming soon! I can't wait to
start to work in my new studio!:) Please stay tuned - I'm happy to share
the progress with you.:)


Remelem mindannyiotoknak vidaman teltek a nyari honapok es sok jo elmennyel feltoltodve varjatok a huvosebb honapokat!:)
Ugy tunhet, hogy elhanyagoltam a blogot - ennek oka a (nem tul egyszeru) koltozesunk, uj haz felujitas es a nyari "hazalatogatasunk". Honapokig nem tudtam dolgozni - ami mar rettenetesen hianyzik! Az uj otthonunk majdnem kesz - kiveve a muhelyem. Tegnap jottem vissza Magyarorszagrol, ma mar a muhelyt pakolom, igyekszem, hogy minel hamarabb beuzemelhessem!  Nem felejtettem el, hogy igertem irok a hazi keszitesu "antikolt" polcomrol is, s fotok is lesznek az uj hazrol - azoknak, akiket erdekel. 
Uj ekszer es dekoracois kollekciokat is mutatok hamarosan - ugyhogy ne menjetek messzire!:)
Addig is szep napokat Nektek!:) XO

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My gift to Mariska: a red-orange "woven-glass" fused glass pendant statement necklace which is truly "Glassimo" style. Along with other Artisan Group member's gift it will be send to her representative at the  end of August. I hope she will like it!:)

Saturday, August 11, 2012


New opportunity to me!:) I'm designing a special necklace to my fellow Hungarian : Mariska Hargitay !:)) Exciting! :)))

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

In the Neighborhood

Epp,hogy  par napja koltoztunk az uj hazunkba, s maris teljesen otthon erzem magam!!!:)) Nezzetek ezt a guszta kis kosarkat: ma az uj szomszedunk beugrott , a kertjeben szedte....paradicsom, avokado, citrom, cukkini...Nagyon szeretem ezt az amerikai szokast, ahogy az ujakat koszontik ...nagyon sokat tud jelenteni! Koszonom Rebeccanak es csaladjanak!!!:)) 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My gift is ready to ship!:) I hope she will like it!:)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Remodeling in progress

Work in progress... the contractors got serious today... tiles, countertop, carpet have been removed.... electrician mostly done.... with a little imagination I can see the end of the tunnel now even though it won't be tomorrow... 

Mesterek ma nem lacafacasztak!:) Regi padloburkolo, szonyeg, konyhai munkamult ( eliras, de igy is jo...:)) szoval, munkapult) eltavolitva , elektromos munkak tobbsege befejezve - kis kepzeloerovel mar lathato az alagut vege - ha nem is holnap jutunk oda....:)
AND!!........ it's gonna be my glass workshop... If you are like me - always had to compromise your work because not enough counter space, storage, light, etc - you know how  exciting to have a normal size studio... I can't wait!:))))

ES!! Ez lesz az en kis uveg-muhelyem!! Fantasztikus es meg hihetetlen, hogy lesz  eleg helyem,fenyem,tarolom stb.... nem kell egy kis sarokban szukoskodve dolgozni.....Turelmetlenul varom, hogy vegre!:))

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My kitchen project

When we were looking for our new house I knew that we most likely needed to remodel our kitchen -  because of the today's kitchen trend: fully furnished, heavy and expensive cabinets, multi-color granite/marble countertops (what I don't like)  etc.- everything is more about entertainment than actually a  practical  cooking area. We're not into the posh style, we wanted something more modest and fun. I have a strong vision of my kitchen: light, airy, simple, little funky, very informal, laid-back, functional, not too big but big enough...:) So I was trilled when I saw  the kitchen in this house. White cabinets, white walls, brown hardwood flooring, big windows to the garden.....I did not like the granite countertop and the backsplash tile, but they can be easily changed... Perfect. Well. Almost. The previous owner - to level the upper cabinets to the pantry - or who knows why - put the wall cabinets way too high...( The old owner's wife is shorter than me so it was not the reason...) It is a "small" thing but in a long run can be really uncomfortable... What can we do....Without a major remodeling we can't lower the cabinets, the top will not fit to the pantry, the microwave is built in etc... So the cabinets on that wall must stay... but! On the opposite side where the window is  - I can do something. And why don't do what I always wanted - open shelves! :) So I made my research first. I wanted reclaimed wood shelves... I was looking around in the city's salvage shops and online... not much luck. Of course you can buy very stylish salvage shelves - for a fortune. Like this one: 

I thought I can make something similar for the fraction of the cost. I bought plain pine wood in the Home Depot, (they cut it for you), a wood stain, brushes.. .and I was ready to make these wood shelves look old!  I'll post a whole procedure with pictures  - when it's  done. I've stained 6 of the 8 shelves already...I think they look awesome!:) I'll buy industrial style brackets and they are ready for installation! :)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Jewelry for Paula

Wooooow!! Another exiting news: As a member of the wonderful Artisan Group I've got another opportunity to make jewelry for a celebrity. This time it is for the lovely Paula Abdul! :) Isn't that cool? I've noticed that she likes bold and edgy jewelry - so it is a great opportunity for Glassimo. :) The fun has begun. :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Our new home

Dear Friends,

I hope that you all are having a wonderful Summer so far.
I'm extremely busy - this time not with my glass pieces but with our move... After two years (! yes, you've read it correctly!:) of intense and arduous house hunting we've finally found our new home! It is beautiful - and will be more beautiful after we make it to fit our taste - which is simple, comfortable modern mixed with old, vintage pieces....We're in the middle of the remodeling - hopefully the major work will be finished by end of this month. I'll show you the progress - for now just a little peak view:) I feel so blessed!:)
Kedves Baratok!:)
Remelem mindannyiotoknak jol telik a nyar!
A hosszu blog-szunet oka a koltozkodesunk. 2 ev (!!) hosszu es frusztralo hazkereses utan vegre megtalaltuk az uj otthonunkat! Gyonyoru - es meg szebb lesz, ha kicsit a sajat izlesunkre alakitjuk - egyszeru,kenyelmes modern stilus  keverve a regi darabokkal....Atalakitas kozepen vagyunk - majd mutatom a fejlemenyeket - most csak egy kis bepillantas...:) Tovabbi szep nyarat!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Selling Glassimo

I'm happy to announce that there is a new addition to the store line-up selling Glassimo jewelry and home decors: Kettle Falls Arts& Craft Gallery in Washington !:) If you are in that area please stop by at this wonderful shop in the historic Apple Warehouse - and discover unique hand-made items from around the nation.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My gift to Jenny McCarthy

Peak view... My gift to Jenny McCarthy... I wanted to make something cool, casual but truly unique. I need to finish the chain, write a few words to her, make a nice packaging - and ship it this week. Let's hope she will like it. :) (Majdnem)kesz Jenny ajandeka....Sokat tervezgettem, rajzolgattam, voltak proba-egetesek....mindenkepp olyat szerettem volna, ami egyszeru, visszafogott es kulonleges, nem a megszokott uvegekszer. Meg a lancot be kell fejeznem, rovid levelket irok, szepen becsomagolom es a heten postazom. S mar csak az marad, hogy remenykedem, hogy tetszeni fog. :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Model Homes

As I mentioned before we have been house hunting. Our first desire was to find an older house with lots of character which would be a great "canvas" to add our style. After - I don't even know how many - months and houses we started to check out new developments as well. That is kind of fun! I really enjoy the model homes lately - the designs have changed a lot... from the extremely formal style they moved to a little more modern (with a rustic flair), more interesting interior with lighter colors. The interiors of these model houses were made by Design Line where I did my interior design internship. :) The house hunting is still on - so I might show you more pictures of fun houses later.:)
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