Sunday, October 31, 2010

Map of Manhattan

Zsudit asked me if I was inspired by New York City, will I create a new piece of jewelry.

This time it is not jewelry. Instead, I painted my version of the city map:) When I travelled on the metro and was glancing at the map of Manhattan I realized it looked like a piece of geometric art.Later when I went to MOMA to see the New York abstract expressionists' exhibition it clicked - I'd paint the Map of Manhattan on glass :) Here is the result:

Zsudit kerdezte, inspiralt e NYC egy uj ekszer megalkotasara. Termeszetesen , de ezuttal nem ekszer szuletett, hanem egy uveg-festmeny, vagy hivjuk inkabb szerenyebben uveg-festesnek!:) Metron utazva jott az otlet,mikozben Manhattan terkepet tanulmanyoztam: a meroleges utcak geometrikus haloja,amelyek szabalyossagat kis parkok/terek torik meg - olyan mint egy absztrakt festmeny! Ezutan a MOMA-ban a New York-i absztrakt expresszionistak kiallitasan bekattant, hogy megfestem Manhattan Terkep -et! uvegre:)
Ez lett belole:)

Friday, October 29, 2010

My Friday Etsy Pick - 10/29/2010

It is a soup season and I'm a big fan of ceramics!:)  - so my Etsy pick for this week is Back Creek Pottery's bowl. I like its sleek shape and the cute two handles. Isn't that beautiful?:)

And for music - listen to a little Veronika Harcsa while browsing through Back Creek Pottery's Etsy shop.
Happy Friday!

Nagyon szeretem a keramiakat, talakat, csuprokat, edenyeket - s itt a leves-szezon is!:) - igy a mai Etsy valasztasom Back Creek Pottery edenykejere esett: Tetszik a letisztult formaja, szine es a ket porge fule!:)
Jol mutatnak benne az oszi levesek vagy akar a reggeli meg uresen is szemet gyonyorkodteto!:)
Erdemes benezni Back Creek Etsy boltjaba - kozben hallgassatok egy kis Harcsa Veronikat!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I'm honored to be featured on Fantasian's gorgeous blog.

Thank you so much!:)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Autumn in New York City

I've had the fortune to spend few days in NYC this year again. The city which either scares away people or you just can't get enough of it. Me and my husband fell into the second category. In my last post, I wrote about my relationship with this city - I don't want to repeat myself - instead I'll show you how I saw the Big Apple this time. We always try to discover different neighborhoods - to me this is the way to feel a real city - not just the  attractions on Times Square. This time it was Harlem. Harlem has been changing. Real estate agencies, art galleries move to this part of the city, new jazz clubs open, trendy restaurants etc...I hope that people lives here will improve the way they want to improve -  staying true to their own heritage and culture.

There is a great art museum not to be missed called The Studio Museum in Harlem. Beautiful collection of contemporary black artists' work. Our next stop was the legendary Lenox Lounge. Billie Holiday, Miles Davis, and John Coltrane...just a few name who performed here. The Art Deco bar has a very unique atmosphere... You sit there with your drink and wait for Miles play the Kind of Blue....

Our other cultural adventure was a great Broadway play: Time Stands Still. Laura Linney is one of my fave actress - I was happy to see her on the stage.
We also visited MoMA - five stories full of exciting exhibitions. You really need here few days to appreciate it all. My big discovery was the "Small Scale Big Change - New Architectures of Social Engagement" installation. It was truly amazing!
OK enough text now -  just click on the photo - there are few pictures of this amazing few days in NY. Enjoy and thank you!:)

Szerencsesnek erzem magam, hogy ismet par napot New York City-ben tolthettunk. NY az a varos, ami  vagy elrettenti az embereket avagy nem tudnak vele betelni. Mi az utobbi kategoriaba tartozunk.:)
Legutobi NY-i beszamolomban mar irtam a varoshoz valo viszonyomrol, nem akarom magam ismetelni, ezuttal inkabb a kameramon keresztul szeretnem megmutatni hogy lattam mostani latogatasunk alkalmaval a varost. Igyekszunk mindig uj varosreszeket bejarni ( a "bejaras "NY-ban idezojeles) , "beleszagolni a levegobe", megnezni hol vasarolnak a helyiek, hol elik mindennapjaikat....a Times Square attrakcioinal ez valosabb kepet ad. Ezuttal Harlem-et szerettuk volna kicsit felfedezni - mar amennyire a szukos idonkbe belefert. Harlem is valtozik. Lassan, de valtozik....Uj lakohazak epulnek ( megtudjak e fizetni azok, akik itt elnek?) muveszeti galeriak, elegans boltok, ettermek, jazz kocsmak nyilnak.... Remelem ugy valtozik ez a kornyek, ahogy azt az itt lakok is szeretnek, megtartva sajat hagyomanyaikat, kulturajukat  - s nem ugy, hogy ok meginkabb a peremvarosokba szorulnak,mert mar ezt sem tudjak megfizetni...
Mindenkepp erdemes az idelatogatoknak megnezni a The Studio Museum in Harlem -et, kortars fekete muveszek kiallitasait.
Innen egy masik legandas helyre mentunk a Lenox Lounge-ba. Tortenelmi hely, itt jatszott Miles Davis, John Coltrane, enekelt Billie Holiday - hogy csak par nevet emlitsunk. Az Art Deco stilusu bar ma is felkapott hely a jazz kedvelok koreben, Ulsz az italod mellett es varod, hogy Miles eljatsza a Kind of Blue-t....Van egy hangulata!:)
Kovetkezo kulturalis elmeny egy Broadway darab volt, Laura Linney-vel, akit en nagyon szeretek, s most eloben lathattam, szinpadon.....Times Stands Still.  Szuper volt!:)
Es Voltunk a MOMA-ban is:)  Olyan hatalmas es gazdag anyag, hogy tobb nap is keves lenne mindent vegignezni.....Az a par ora, amit itt toltottunk perceknek tunt.... Legnagyobb elmeny egy epiteszeti kiallitas volt - bele sem kezdek elmeselni, latni kell:)

OK, eleg a szovegbol, klikkelj a kepre es ott talalsz (jo)nehany fotot errol a par naprol. :)  Jo szorakozast es koszonom, ha megnezed!:)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Polymer Clay/ Gyurmaekszer

A short by-pass for polymer clay … I've made this two necklaces while my glass were forming in the kiln... Its always fun to work with other medium...Sure it needs improvement, too but I wanted to show you not just the end result but also the process. Here it goes.

Kis kitero az uveg fusingtol.... sutogyurmaztam kicsit,mig az uvegmedalok formalodtak a kemenceben.
Mindig van javitani valo, de szeretnem folyamataban mutatni eziranyu erdeklodesemet!:)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tack Fused

To continue the "Checkered Theme" here is the next piece. I've made few pendants with this (tack fusing) technique - I'm showing you the biggest one first. :)

I like how the light plays between layers. Smaller sizes are coming!:)

Folytatva a Kockas Tema-t,  elkeszult nehany ujabb darab - a legnagyobbat mutatom meg elsonek!:) Azt a technikat valasztottam, amikor a retegek nem olvadnak teljesen egymasba, megtartjak eredeti karakteruket - igy erdekes hatas erheto el a szines uvegek retegelesevel. A feny is jatszik, bujkal a retegek kozt - igy egy orokke valtozo, izgalmas medal szuletett. :) Kisebb meretuek is jonnek!

Friday, October 15, 2010

My Friday Etsy Pick - 10/15/2010

My Etsy pick for this week is BooandBooFactory's leather necklace. I love it! It is different and so cool!

And for music - listen to a little Miles Davis  while browsing through BooandBooFactory's Etsy shop.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Checkered Jewelry

I have big plans with checkered jewelry!:) This is the first necklace-ring set of the future collection:)
Terveim vannak a kockas ekszerekkel!:) Ez az elso szett a Kockas Kollekciobol, remelhetoleg hamarosan jon a tobbi !

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


To me blogging is all about sharing. Sharing thoughts, everyday's beauties, ups and downs - random finds, things which interest me somehow. I always respect organizations or individual initiatives which try to make our world a little more livable for those who are less fortunate, who stand up for humanity, equality, and fair trade.

I'm glad to be able to find Mzuribeads's website . They are beaders who live in Uganda and make amazingly beautiful beads from recycled magazines.

"Mzuribeads is one of the many inspirational projects moving away from charitable aid, and onto the concept of business enterprise for sustainable income and development."

Please read their story and browse through their site which is full with not just gorgeous beads but love.

Szamomra a bloggolas = megosztas. Megosztasa annak, amit valamilyen oknal fogva epp erdekesnek talalok -mindennapi apro szepsegek, tortenesek, izgalmas weboldalak - pl most a Mzuribeads-e. Veletlen talaltam rajuk - nagy oromomre!:)  Ugandai gyongykeszitok, akik osszegyujtik a magazinokat,szines ujsagokat, posztereket - es abbol elkepeszto csoda-gyongyoket keszitenek!  Probaljak az eletuk iranyitasat a kezukbe venni , nem adomanyoktol fuggeni.
Olvassatok el a tortenetuket vagy/es nezzetek meg mire kepesek a szinte semmibol.....

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Colors Of the Farmer's Market

 I love farmer's markets - in any season. The color scheme is always a little different there. In the fall, I see more gold with warm oranges complemented with dark greens and deep purples... Gorgeous and very inspirational! With Picasa I made this multiple exposure collage - superimposed pictures over one another - and voila here is my Saturday Farmers Market poster! :)

Mindenfele piacot szeretek - minden evszakban. Osszel olyan arany-okker-narancs szinuek, mely zoldekkel, lilakkal kiegeszitve. Gyonyoruek es inspiraloak! Nehany foto a szombati piacrol.....majd, amit Picasa-val keszitettem, az osszes fotot egymasra retegezve - es voila, kesz a Szombati Piac cimu alkotas!:)

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Friday Etsy Pick

From today on, every Friday I will pick one item from Etsy - just for fun. Something what I like that day. It can be anything from clothes to jewelry, from paintings to ceramics ... and a little exposure won’t hurt the seller.:) But the purpose of this is just fun. To make it a little more interesting I will choose music which I think fits well the piece!:)

My first choice is Magic2Art's split skirt.

I just love this style! I always did and always will no matter how old I'm. :) This look is so anti-corporate!:) Simple and different. I can picture my jewelry with it…:)

And for music - listen to a little Dave Matthews Band while browsing through Magic2Art Etsy shop.
Happy Friday!

Matol minden penteken kivalasztok valamit az Etsyrol, amit itt bemutatok nektek. Valamit, ami aznap tetszik nekem - ruha vagy ekszer, fetmeny vagy keramia -barmi. Csak a jatek kedveert - nincs ajandek, nem kell lajkolni, bejelolni, rajongani.- persze minden ilyesminek is orulni fogok!:) S hogy meg erdekesebb legyen, minden bemutatott darabhoz/ Etsy bolthoz valasztok egy zenet, ami szerintem illik hozza.:)

Elso valasztasom Magic2Art szoknyaja...mert tetszik!:) Egyszeruen szeretem ezt a stilust, mindig is szerettem, szeretni fogom!:) Annyira anti-divatos!:) Kicsit mas. Nagyon eltudom kepzelni vele az ekszereim....:)
Zenenek pedig hallgassatok egy kis Dave Matthews Band-et, amig beneztek Magic2Art boltjaba!:)
Vidam penteket!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Artist you will love: Len Davis

Len Davis has found my blog - and as an art lover I'm honored to introduce his art to you. He is an amazing mixed media artist.

On his drawings, prints,collages you will see soulful layers, hidden thoughts and messages. As you spend more time looking through his pieces you will be amazed about the depth and complexity displayed in his art.
Let his exciting and unique vision into your life - check out his site. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just A Little Spark

As you can see it - I don't work with " dichro " glass. I don't like it. No offense - I know there are many glass artists who can use dichro tastefully - it is just not my style. But sometimes I drop a little iridescent glass on top of the other glass layers to get a lustrous look. Just a touch of spark. I've made this ring in that way - for fun. I'll save the rest of the iridescent glass for the holiday!:)

Amint talan az eddigiekbol kiderult,  nem dolgozom " dichro"  uveggel -barmily nepszeruek - en nem szeretem oket. Ez csak szemelyes preferencia, tudom, nagyon sok uvegmuvesz, kezmuves izlessel hasznalja,  - de en nem kedvelem, nem az esetem. Idonkent viszont kell egy kis csillogas(?) - mint pl. ma, ebbe a borus delutanba... :)  Ilyenkor a retegek koze/fole dobok nehany irrizalo uveget, ami ad egy kis csillogast, - de epp, hogy egy kicsit!:) Ennyi meg nekem is belefer. Neha. :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Caramel Macchiato

When your craft makes you gain weight..... :) After I listed my new necklace on Etsy I had to go to Starbucks for a Caramel Macchiato. And I don't even like caramel!!:))))

Addig ecseteltem az Etsyn a Caramel Macchiato ihlette medalom , hogy at kellett mennem a Starbucksba egyert....Pedig nem is szeretem a karamelt!!:)))... Nem gondoltam, hogy meg az uvegezes is lehet hizlalo!!!:))

Monday, October 4, 2010

Vegas to Vesta

Our friends'  talented son 's debut album:
Please check it out :
Vegas to Vesta
You can download the album:
 Like them On Facebook

Barataink fianak debutalo albuma,  hallgassatok bele!:)

Ha tetszik, lajkoljatok a FB-on! Koszonet a nevukben is!:)

Glassimo on Jacquelynnz Photography

Blog mention! :) My Madrid Plate Set was featured as a Monday Etsy Pick on Jacquelynnz Photography .Please check out this great blog - I'm so honored to be part of it! Thank you Jacguelynnz!

Jacquelynnz a Madrid Talalo Szett-emet valasztotta a "Monday Etsy Pick " blog bejegyzesere. Nezzetek be a blogjaba, nagyszeru fotokat talaltok nala - no,meg az en talkaimat!:) Koszonom Jacquelynnz!:)

Friday, October 1, 2010


Have a great weekend everyone!

Vidam hetveget mindenkinek!
The Lounge

Thanks for visiting!:)

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