Although I was born on the other side of the World I feel home in NYC. I do not know why - simply I feel good there. This weekend we stayed in the Chelsea Hotel, we saw this show on the Broadway, we visited Chelsea, East Side, West Side, Soho, Noho, Greenwich Village, Little Italy. I took pictures of Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig as a paparazzi, saw the New Museum, had dinner at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge, took pictures of the people rushing to work through Time Square and the tired workers on the metro travelling home to Brooklyn... One of my next lifes I will live here!:)
A vilag masik partjan szulettem, megis NY-ban mintha otthon lennek. Nem tudom miert, nem akarom elemezni - egyszeruen jol erzem ott magam. A mostani hetvegenken megadatott, hogy a Chelsea Hotelben szalltunk meg, hogy a Broadwayen lattuk ezt az eloadast, hogy bejartuk Chelseat, East side, West Side, Soho, Noho, Greenwich Village,Little Italy
,hogy psparazzi modra lefotoztam Hugh Jackmant es Daniel Craig -et, megneztuk a New Museumot, vacsoraztunk a Brooklyn hid labanal,hogy fotozhattam a reggeli munkaba igyekvoket a Times Squaren, a Brooklynba tarto metron a megfaradt munkasokat....
Egyszer majd egyik kovetkezo eletemben itt is fogok elni!:)