Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hi everyone, I hope that you all are well!

My dear husband surprised me with a MacBook for my Bday... So I've been
busy to figure the new system out since then...:) My biggest challenge
is that I can hardly find anything... I miss my folders, my own way to
save and organize things - but I started to like this new guy too ...:) I
hope that after few days I'll be in much better shape:)
Even though I used to my PC I had many problems with it which I hope
won't be an issue with Mac... Just takes a little time and patience,
right?:) Right.

And back to my work:
I always wanted to make multi-strand necklaces. They are so much fun,
and can add a little kick to the pendants.... Usually I design the other
way around but for this piece the glass pendant was made for this cord
color-combination:) More to come!:)

Sziasztok, remelem mindenki jol!..:)

Draga ferjem meglepett egy MacBook-al a szuletesnapomon!:) Azota probalok eligazodni az uj rendszerben, tobbnyire semmit sem talalok:) Foleg a sajat jol bejaratott modszereim hianyoznak, amik persze a Mac-en nem mukodnek, de azert remelem par nap mulva mar ugyesebb leszek!:) Egy kis ido, turelem, ugye? Ugye.:)

S ami a munkat illeti:
Altalaban eloszor keszul a medal, utana valasztok hozza bort /lancot, de ez most pont forditva  tortent - gombhoz a kabat!:) Megvettem a borszalagokat - s hozza terveztem a medalt.  Szeretem ezeket a tobbszalas bormadzagokat!:) Tobb hasonlo is folyamatban!:)

Monday, March 28, 2011

La Mesa Antique Show

The yearly La Mesa antique show was yesterday. We went to see it like last year with no intent to buy anything although an old picture or magazine or glassware would be welcome anytime:)... What is especially attracting is the atmosphere of the market, the secrets of the old objects... some pictures:

And finally the treasure I bought - an old soda bottle from the 50s-60s of America:)

Tegnap volt La Mesan az evente megrendezesre kerulo antikvasar. Ahogy tavaly, iden is megneztuk - vasarlasi szandek nelkul,- bar egy -egy regi foto, ujsag, uvegecske azert barmikor johet:)... Ami igazan vonzo, az a vasar hangulata, a regi targyak titkai....Nehany foto minderrol, es a vasarfia....uditos uveg a 50-60- as evek Amerikajabol:)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Work In Progress

Dolgozom a textil es gyurmaekszereimen (is)- ezek itt veglegest megelozo "foprobak".  Minden anyag mas es uj lehetosegeket hordoz - s ezt nagyon elvezem!:)  Par kepet szeretnek Nektek mutatni ebbol a folyamatbol,s  ha megosztod a velemenyed, epito kritikad- azt orommel veszem es koszonom!:)

I have been working on my textile and clay jewelry pieces (too) - these are not the final products just prototypes. Every material brings a new possibility - and I enjoy it tremendeously!:) I wish to show you some pictures illustrating the process and I would appreciate if you shared your opinion or constructive critique.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today I like.......

Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Together in Eternity...RIP:(

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pink Whisper

Romantic Spring on  my Etsy.....

Monday, March 21, 2011


I saw this picture in a magazine... (It is a Clarks adv) The minute I saw it made me happy. It might be the cute red Fiat (love it!... (nostalgia for my childhood - in Europe we saw lots of those:) ... or it might be the sea behind it... the yellow bouquet, the smiling model, pretty dress...
I think all that together… This picture just screams happiness!:) Don't you think?:)

Be happy ! XO

Clarks cipo reklam egy magazinbol...De abban a pillanatban, hogy meglattam jobb kedvem lett!:) Nem tudom, hogy ez a kis piros Fiat (nagyon szeretem oket!:) vagy a hatterben a tenger, a sarga viragcsokor, a vidam modell .....valoszinuleg igy egyutt, ami azonnali vidamsagot okoz!:) Szerintetek?:)
Sok vidamsagot erre a hetre! XO

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Marcius nalunk mindenfele csaladi unnepekkel teli - igy egesz honapban sutok-fozok!:)  Legutobb Rakoczi turossal probalkoztam - nagy sikere lett, igy ugy gondoltam megosztom Veletek - sajnos csak a receptet!:)
Tehat ez a Rakoczi turos egyeni valtozata,( hivjuk Turoczinak)  kicsit megcifraztam az eredeti receptet - igy lazabb,konnyebb lett.

15dkg liszt
10dkg vaj
5 dkg porcukor
1-2 ek viz
csipet so

33dkg tehenturo ( en kb 40dkg ricotta turot hasznaltam)
10dkg cukor
3 dkg buzadara
1 csomag vanilincukor
3 t.sargaja ( en 5 ot hasznaltam, nem, akartam kidobni maradek sargajat)
tetszes szerinti lekvar a toltelek ala ( en darabos cseresznyelekvart hasznaltam)

az 5 tojas feherje (de lehet tobb is, akkor vastagabb a hab)
15dkg kristalycukor
2.ek. lekvar

Igy csinald:):Nagy talban osszekevered a teszta hozzavaloit, jol osszegyurod. 180 fokra elomelegited a sutot. A tesztat belenyomkodod egy kisebb tepsibe/tuzallo talba. Az elomelegitett sutoben kb 10-15 percig sutod. Addig osszekevered a toltelek hozzavaloit. A felig sult tesztat megkened a lekvarral, rateszed a tolteleket, s kb 15 percre visszateszed a sutobe. Kicsit csokkented a homersekletet kb 150 fokra. Amig sul a t.feherjet a cukorral kemeny habba vered es ovatosan belekevered a tetszoleges izu lekvart. Szetterited a tesztan es meg kb 15-20 percig sutod-szaritod. A teteje aranybarna legyen.

Elronthatatlan, gyors es naaaaaaagyon finom!:)  Mindenkepp kiprobalasra erdemes!

English version available upon request :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hobnail Glass

I see them everywhere... I just did not know how to call them. They are beautiful (sometimes not so), colorful "bumpy" textured glasswares... Finally I know their name: Hobnail Glass. It was very popular in the Victorian times, usually in hand blown, translucent colored glass, which is sometimes called "Dew Drop Glass". Lemonade sets with a pitcher and matching glasses were very common at the turn of the century. In 1939 Fenton Art Glass first introduced their hobnail glass and in those early years it was in translucent colors. Milk glass hobnail was introduced by Fenton in 1950, and proved to be one of their most successful products. It kept the company going during the very difficult years when many other glassworks closed down. Just about every Fenton shape has been produced in hobnail milk glass.

I think we had something similar in Eastern Europe, too. Maybe Czech glass companies made them. I have to continue my research on this....:) Until then I just wanted to show you few I like.:)
Mindenfele latom ezeket a kis rucskos nem tudtam,hogy hivjak oket - vegre sikerult kideriteni: Hobnail uveg. Angliaban is az USA-ban is nepszeruek voltak a Viktorianus korban, ekkor tobbnyire az atlatszo, szines uvegek, majd kesobb a Fenton Company feher opal uvegei terjedtek el.
Szerintem Magyarorszagon is voltak hasonloak, talan a hires cseh uveggyarak keszithettek? Majd ennek meg utananezek, addig is szerettem volna nehany szep darabot mutatni Nektek.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Romantic Prairie Style in California

I'd call myself a city person but sometimes I just wish if I could escape to a house like this... for days, months... with good books..(maybe a little polymer clay:)) . Picturesque landscape, quietness, everything is beautiful in its simplicity.... Peace and easy comfort. I found this California ranch house in the Country Almanac Magazine.(Sorry, no online version)  Country style can be a bit too kitschy but this house is just so stylish and still has the "kick-your-boots-off" feeling. I like how they paired the rugged furniture, farmhouse table with the delicate crystal chandeliers, airy curtains... That's the way I like "country style" ...:) (I'd also add few really modern pieces)

And my fav picture is the outside table with a goat! What a peaceful scene!:)

Bar alapvetoen minden a varosi elethez kot, de idonkent nagyon szivesen elbujnek egy ilyen videki hazba - par napra, par hetre...honapra...sok konyvvel, (esetleg egy kis ekszer-gyurmaval:)) Csend, beke, nyugalom, gyonyoru taj, friss levego......Ezt a  kalifornia hazat a Country Almanach magazinban talatam (sajnos nincs internetes valtozatuk) . A "videki stilus" nekem idonkent tul "sok", tul viragos, tul videkieskedo ( tul toszkanositott:), giccsbe ez a haz, olyan, amit szivesen magamenak tudnek!:) Tetszik, ahogy a rusztikus, regi butorokat, hasznalati targyakat  jo erzekkel parositjak a kristaly csillarral, finom anyagu fuggonyokkel...Igy szeretem a "country" stilust! :) (Bar en meg adnek nehany igazan modern darabot is hozza:))
S micsoda idill a kerti asztal mellett legeleszo kecske!!:)) Bar vele nem tudom hogy jonnenk ki...:)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Marcius 15

Monday, March 14, 2011


Now, more than ever, the Japanese people need our help and support to get through this crisis. Every little bit counts. Please help.

All proceeds from this jewelry will go the American Red Cross: Japan Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami Relief

This jewelry was made for donation with lots of love for those people who are suffering in a way we can not even imagine.

For a unique, interesting look I paired the very delicate Original Handmade Japanese Yuzen Chiyogami Paper with the Industrial Style metal frame and chain. The contrast between soft and rigid, modern and traditional materials makes this necklace truly one of a kind.

The Japanese Papers are between two glass layers. The two sides are different - so it can be worn two ways. Buy one and get one free!:)

It comes with a 12" double string metal chain.

You can purchase this in my Etsy shop. Thank you.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekend Snapshots

Few snaphots that I took during the weekend . Have a great week!

Thinking of Japan...:(

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's my daughter's 22th Birthday!:))))

Happy Birthday Dorina! :))))) Love you much!************************************

Monday, March 7, 2011

Venice Carnival Wall Art

My work was on a little bigger scale this time - it's great sometimes to express my ideas in little bit larger size than a pendant. One of my dream travel destination is Venice during the Carnival season (I've been there few times but never in February) - I really want to take a Carnival photo series (maybe in B&W). Until then I am creating Carnival inspired jewelry and wall pieces.:) This one was motivated by a photograph. I abstracted from the original idea - I focused on shapes and colors... It is on Etsy now:)

Ezuttal egy kicsit meretesebb alkotas - jo neha nagyobb leptekben gondolkodni,mint az apro medalok (bar az enyemek nem is olyan aprok:)  Regi vagy eljutni a Velence-i Karnevalra, kesziteni ott egy (fekete-feher) misztikus fotosorozatot... :) Addig is maradnak a karneval ihlette ekszerek, fali dekoraciok. Ez a darab egy foto utan keszult, absztrahalva, szinekre, formakra koncenralva. Mar az Etsy-n .:)


I'm honored to be one of the exhibitor on papernstich from today until April 3rd.

The exhibition space is curated monthly and each exhibitor is hand selected by Brittni who is the owner of this wonderful site. Her taste is exquisite - I've found many talented and unique artists through her site.  I offer 20% off from all my jewelry until April 3rd. More details on papernstich!:)

Thank you Brittni!:)

Nagy oromomre matol aprilis 3-ig Glassimo az egyik bemutatott kezmuves a papernstich  weboldalan.
Ez egy "zsurizett" bemutatkozasi lehetoseg, a tulajdonos valasztja ki, ki is kerul be a havonta cserelodo oldalra. Nezzetek be, nagyon sok tehetseges, egyedi alkotot talaltok!:) 20% kedvezmenyt adok mindenkinek akik a papernstich-en keresztul vasarolnak. Reszleteket is ott olvashatjatok. Koszonom, ha  meglatogattok!:)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Jewelry Class

I've started to take a jewelry making/metalsmithing course at the SD Art Academy. The first day we tried to saw a shape out from a copper sheet. You would think it is easy - but it is not!:)) I even got a very bad muscle pain so I had to take an Advil on the next day!:)))) Way to go......:)) I'll show you the progress (be patient!:))Happy weekend everyone!! XO

Beiratkoztam egy ekszer-keszito tanfolyamra a San Diego-i Art Academy -re
Az elso projektunk egy fulbevalo rezlemezbol kifureszelve. Ez lehet,hogy konnyunek hangzik, de nagyon nem az egy kezdonek!:) Szakad a furesz-szal, nem jo iranyba halad, megint szakad, zsibbad a kar, hat - olyannyira, hogy masnap fajdalomcsillapitot kellett bevennem izomlazra..:)))
Majd mutatom a fejlemenyeket - legyetek turelmesek, nem lesznek tul latvanyosak!:))))
Szep hetveget mindenkinek! XO

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring, Anyone?

My new Spring inspired fused glass earrings. I just love this color-combo!:)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Went to the desert......

The Palm Springs tour did not have a very good start:

 To be more precise it had a very bad start since record setting cold and rain was in the forecast… In a place where it’s always way too hot and rain is a rare occasion…. Anyway, this was all set so we had to go!:)

This small town has a very special mood… perhaps the myth which still can be felt. This was the favorite place to party of the 50s and 60s Hollywood rich and famous. Everyone who was somebody had a house there – today buses-loads of tourists visit these places:) It must have been a very exciting life in this desert oasis for all the stars – if those stones could tell their stories of exuberance!:) But it was not only famous as the amusement place for the privileged but was also well-known for the modern architecture which started to boom in the 50s and created a real movement in the US. The “Mid Century Modern” grew out of Bauhaus in the US and such architects were important representatives of the school as Albert Frey, Donald Wexler, Richard Neutra, E. Stewart Williams, John Lautner and many others.
I do not know what your feelings are towards this style but I like it very much - I am drawn to the 60s anyway!:) I like the large floor-to-ceiling windows, the clean shapes, the bare frames, the white walls – only the desert life-style which is not too alluringJ
Besides the Wexler exhibit I was awed by the contemporary glass exhibition in the Palm Springs Art Museum… It is fantastic what some people can do with glass!!:)) Finally, I could see a Lino Tagliapietra piece from up close – I was not disappointed!:)

(To Round Rabbit: Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to see the documentary but I'll order it online! Thank you!

Nem kezdodott valami baratsagosan a Palm Springs-i kiruccanas. Egesz pontosan nagyon baratsagtalanul kezdodott, ugyanis rekordokat dontogeto hideget, esozes josoltak...Ott, ahol szinte mindig elviselhetetlen hoseg van, eso nagyon ritkan...Mindegy, ez most kihagyhatatlan, menni kell!:)

Van ennek a kisvarosnak egy kulonleges hangulata....talan a mitosz, ami mai napig korul lengi. Az 50-es, 60-as evekben ez volt Hollywood egyik kedvenc party-helye, mindenkinek, aki szamitott haza volt itt - ma ezekhez a hazakhoz zarandok turista buszok viszik az erdeklodoket:) Hatalmas elet lehetett ebben a foleg sztarok lakta sivatagi oazisban,- ha ezek a kovek meselni tudnanak, biztos sok bujasagot megtudnank!:) De nem csak a kivaltsagosok szorakozo helyerol hires, hanem az 50-es evekben fellendulo modern epiteszeterol, ami iskolateremto volt Amerikaban. A "Mid Century Modern" Amerikaban a Bauhausbol notte ki magat, olyan epiteszeket jegyez a stilus,mint Albert Frey, Donald Wexler, Richard Neutra, E. Stewart Williams, John Lautner, es sokan masok. A varos ma is tele klasszikus modern stilusu butor es design uzletekkel, galeriakkal.
Nem tudom ki hogy erez ezzel a stilussal kapcsolatban, en nagyon szeretem - amugy is van egy eros vonzodasom a 60-as evekhez!:)) Tetszenek a padlotol mennyezetig ero ablakok, a letisztult formak, a szabadon hagyott tartoszerekezetek, a feher falak, - egyedul a sivatagi eletmod, ami nem vonzo szamomra:)
Az Art Museumban a Wexler kiallitas mellett a kortars uveg kiallitason tatottam a szam.......Fantasztikus, hogy egyesek mire kepesek az uveggel!!:))
Vegre kozelrol lathattam egy Lino Tagliapietra alkotast is - Nem okozott csalodast!:)
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