I thought that I would write a few words about him and his dreamland. In Hungary he is very famous but you might have never heard of him:
He began his studies in Budapest but in fact he learnt on his own. He studied in Rome, Florence and Paris in 1902. He visited Italy several times and painted the medieval and renaissance atmosphere of Italian towns. His works were poetic manifestations of a dream world ("The Song of a Rose Tree", "A Florence Tragedy", etc.).
When the First World War began, he suffered a nervous break-down in Venice and from that time on he was treated in psychiatric sanatoriums on several occasions of which he became a resident from 1917 until his death. He painted surrealistic pictures of people living in Naconxipan, a dream world, with delicate colors ("Dream of an Opium Eater", "Chevalier aux Roses").
Lajos Gulácsy was a poet who wielded a magic wand in the shape of his paintbrush. He created a world for himself in the same way a thousand-year-old magician in one of his writings did: "Bunburin enters and opens a horribly large book, murmuring magic chants under the light of two huge wax candles. The smoke of incense hides his figure, and he disappears like a cloud. The wonderful land of Na' Conxypan appears."
This country can be found on Saturn, or rather between Japan and the Moon, but most likely begins in the sparkle of the fountain, which is the first memory of Glossy's at the age of three. It lives on in the "pinkish-blue mist pictures" he experienced as a child in the "quiet of village life", in the fantasies of an adolescent, and in the Italian strolls of the eccentric figure dressed in Renaissance clothes, through the secretive cypress groves of Florence, the Divine Comedy, the frescoes of Fra Angelico, which then followed, to slowly spread and come into existence in his every glance, every presentiment or thought-even at that early date when he had not yet named this world Na' Conxypan. He was the magician of this universe, not picturing the visible in his art, but creating in the "delusion of dream visions". Outside the boundaries of this world, in the faulted reality of earthly existence Gulácsy was nothing but the sad, "banished prince" of the realm of Na' Conxypan.
Losing his eyesight in 1924 put an end to painting. He painted pictures which were Hungarian versions of pre-Raphaelitism combined with surrealism.
That's a great story, and your pendent is lovely!
Thank you so much!
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