Sunday, January 31, 2010

End of January

The first month of this year is already finished! By now, all New Year's Resolution are finished, too:) Not mine - because I've never made a New Year's Resolution. I'm constantly trying to do things differently - so why bother at New Year's Eve with things like:
I will give up chocolates totally. 100%. Completely. Honestly.... Oh, well......:)

So January is over and the weather hardly reminds us of winter here in SD.

It is time to start to work on my Spring collection :)
The piece I did was that I showed you before it became a plate....
Now I'm working on jewelry and home decor pieces in parallel. I'm taking a PMC(precious metal clay) class!:) I've always wanted to expand my jewelry making skills and repertoire such as mixing fused glass with a different medium. PMC is a very promising material with endless possibilities. I'm excited:)

I saw an interesting movie yesterday! I would not say it is the best movie I've ever, it is kind of cliché, but it gives credit to passionate people - like scientists and people who fight for someone... Because my husband is a scientist who does drug research I personally hear many similar stories about drug research and many different stories about diseases... I don't understand the science part - but the work of scientists just fascinates me! Hats off. And hats off to those who go against the common wisdom just to save their child. "Don't hope for a miracle. Make one."

It's about my weekend - I wish you all a happy new week, happy February!

Mar vege is a januarnak, kb az ujevi fogadalmaknak is!:) Mar aki tesz ilyet - en nem igazan.....
Mig az otthoni zord idorol olvasok, itt szinte semmi sem emlekeztet a telre.....
Dolgozom parhuzamosan az ekszereken, talakon, kepeken.....
A multkoribol, amit mutattam valoban tal lett, s nem falikep:)
Elkezdtem egy PMC osztalyt, izgalmasnak tunik, szeretnem majd az uveget otvozni az ezusttel es mas anyagokkal is.

Mas. Lattunk tegnap egy erdekes filmet. Klises, halivudis, de valahol megis erdekes volt- talan azert is, mivel ferjem gyogyszerkutato, s tole rengeteg hasonlo tortenetet hallottam, latom a munkajukat, micsoda megszallottan dolgoznak uj gyogyszereken......Szoval, kalap le minden kutato es olyan ember elott, aki sokszor a jozanesszel is szembemennek, -itt most a fimbeli apara utalva.
Ennyit a hetvegerol - mindenkinek vidam uj hetet es vidam februart!:)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cara Romano: Studio Jewelry

I've just found Cara Romano's ad in the new American Craft magazine - I love her unique way of combining sterling silver with colorful, felted wool. Please check out her website - you will find amazing jewelry there!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hope for Haiti

Terrible times like these bring out the best in people, so please help:

Haiti earthquake: How to help

First glass piece of 2010

I could hardly wait to start my kiln, i had scribbled many ideas into my sketchbook but then i ended up working based on current impulses:)... I am now considering larger pieces besides jewelry (certainly the size of the kiln creates some limits). Bowls, sets,(tapas, sushi ect) scones, and the most exciting for me, abstract "wall-art" pieces, are my interest... This one started as a wall piece but then when i saw after firing i decided to make it into a bowl:)... So, i have not decided its final function yet - for now i will probably put on another layer and back to the kiln... I will show you the piece when it is ready! For now, it is in the window to bring color to this rainy, stormy Californian winter:)

Nagyon vartam, hogy beizzitsam a kemencet ,telefirkaltam otletekkel a kis vazlatfuzetem, aztan persze impulziv hatasok alapjan kezdtem el dolgozni:).. Az ekszerek mellett most kicsit nagyobb meretekben gondolkozom ( hatart szab a kemencem merete is). Talak, szettek (tapas, sushi stb),fali lampak, - es legfokepp ami izgat,mint tema, azok az absztrakt falikepek....
Ez is kepnek indult, de mikor kiegett meglattam benne a talat:).....Ugyhogy meg nincs eldontve a tovabbi rendeltetese, valoszinu, jon meg ra egy reteg, megy vissza a sutobe....Majd mutatom a kesz muvet is! Most egyelore az ablakban all, mint szinfolt ebben az esos, viharos kaliforniai telben.:)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Music for a rainy afternoon

I love her music a LOT! :) More here

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Téli napfény

Ezek a fotok Karacsony utan es Szilveszter elott keszultek, utban hazafele a Balatonrol. (majd errol is kesobb, kicsit ugralva idoben es terben)......Most is -mint mindig - imadtam minden hideg, kodos, szurke teli napot, - a taj letompult szineit, csendjeit - nem adja konnyen magat, de ott a szepseg ezekben a kekes-szurkekben is......Talan meg tobb, de mindenkepp maskent, mint a harsogo nyarban.....

Mikor, még csak az ablakon át,
a kezemre idenyal,
felbámulok, rá, úgy emel, hív
a sugaraival;
januári, de máris oly jó,
oly érthetetlen,
mint gondolat nélkül a vágy
a szerelemben.

Mint gondolat nélkül a vágy,
forrón és testtelen
ömlik körül, úgy visz, cirógat,
és olyan esztelen:
rózsaszinben lobog a hús
belső feketesége
s hálám, mint tüköritta fény,
csap vissza az égbe.

Óh, minden hogy aranylik, árad
s mily csókba gyúl!
Hogy robban! robbant! Óh, milyen jó!
S mennyire új!…
Dehogy új!… Csak jó! Csak jó! A legjobb!
az örök, a régi!…
Százezer éve napimádó,
aki érzi!

(Szabo Lorinc)

Hallgassatok egy kis zenet is melle!:)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Have A Heart For Tanya

First of all I wish you all a very happy new year.

I'm back from Hungary - with a heavy heart - is getting more and more difficult to leave my parents who are not healthy behind...I'll write more about our time there - but now I'm asking your help for Tanya Boden who is a lovely lady from Etsy and she needs surgery for a life-threatening heart condition. She can't have the surgery until she can pay the costs first and she has only 2 weeks until she has to have it.

or visit Facebook

Please help with any amount you can. Every penny - and every day count!

Tanya, you are in our thoughts,
And we're all
Hoping that you will be
Enjoying better health again soon!
The Lounge

Thanks for visiting!:)

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