I watch very little TV- I'm not so familiar with series - no patience for it!:) - I found
'The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency' by chance - and I'm glad I did!:) Finally, something different! Something new and fresh! The stories are simple, there is no blood ,car chasing, actions... none of this kind of crap - but touches on many important subjects such as domestic violence, moral issues etc .
I'm getting addicted!:)... I like the uniqueness, the atmosphere, the vivid colors, charm of the characters -
Jill Scott (Precious Ramotswe) just so wonderful! - I admire her beauty - which is far from the standardized skinny Hollywoodiens - her clothes, her style. ( designer's inspiration!) The African scenario -I’m not sure if we get the sense of the real Botswanian life, society- but I often find it intriguing how the characters interact with each other, which differs greatly from western world interactions. Inherent in Precious’ philosophy is a feeling of responsibility toward all who live in her country.
This show is a true pleasure!
I've just found this:)
http://www.designspongeonline.com/2009/05/interview-melinda-launspach-of-no1-ladies-detective-agency.htmlNagyon ritkan nezek TV-t, nem ismerem a sorozatokat -nincs sok turelmem hozzajuk!:) Veletlenul talaltam a
The No1 Ladies'Detective Agency-re. Vegre valami mas, valamu ij es friss!:)
Kis egyszeru tortenetek, nem omlik a ver, nincs autosuldozes, akciozas , de erint sok fontos temat, mint pl a hazassagon beluli eroszak, moralis kerdesek stb. Kezdek fuggo lenni!:) Az egesz film hangulata elmeny, a szinek, a helyes karakterek - A foszerepet jatszo
Jill Scott (Precious) egyszeruen nagyszeru!:) Jo latni vegre aki nem a standard vekonka- halivudi - tetszik a stilusa, ruhai ( inspiracio!!:)) Nem tudom mennyire kapunk valos kepet a mai botswanai eletrol, tarsadalomrol, de erdekesnek talalom, hogy mennyire maskepp viszonyulnak egymashoz a tortenetbeli karakterek,mint amit mi a "nyugati" tarsadalmakban megszoktunk.Precious veleszuletett tulajdonsaga, hogy felelosseget erez mindenkiert aki az orszagban el.
Igazi elmeny ez a musor!:)