Sunday, October 30, 2011

And The Winner of the GIVEAWAY Is............

Now it is the hardest part for me... because I wish that everybody could win... but there is only one winner: and this is m :))

She entered first and Fortune/Luck/Random Generator chose her.


I want to thank ALL who participated - special thanks to all who took the time the compliment my jewelry - I'm really grateful for that.

To show my appreciation I offer 50% off discount on my jewelry to all who entered this giveaway.
Only thing you need to do is to use Octobergvwy code and put your name that was used for this giveaway in the "note to the seller" during checkout. This offer ends on 6th of November 12PM (PT).

Please stay tuned - new giveaways and new posts are coming soon!


Eljott a sorsolas oraja - ez a legnehezebb, mert  szeretnem, ha mindenki nyerne - de egy nyertesunk van, s ezuttal m a nyaklanc tulajdonosa!:))))) 

O jelentkezett elsonek es a szerencse/random generator ot valasztotta!:)


Szeretnem mindannyiotoknak megkoszonni, hogy jatszottatok, - kulon koszonet azoknak, akik az ekszerrol is irtak par szot!!!!:) Koszonom!!XO

Hogy senki ne maradjon nyeremeny nelkul, minden jatekosnak felajnlok 50% kedvezmenyt az ekszereimbol. Csak annyit kell tenni, hogy az Etsy vasarlasnal, beirjatok az Octobergvwy kodot, s a nevet, amivel resztvettetek a jatekban. A kedvezmeny 1 hetig, november 6-ig ervenyes.
Koszonom meg egyszer, hogy jatszottatok, "maradjatok vonalban", uj bejegyzesek, uj jatekok folyamatosan!:) 

( Merci, emailben kerlek kuldd el a postacimed!:))

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Mill & The Cross

Have you ever stood in front a painting and got lost in a story you were just making up watching the painting? If so this movie is for you. If you did not this movie is just for you too! :)
This movie is a painting in itself... with story, with symbolics, with history, with art... with imagination....according to Bruegel... For me it was a visual masterpiece.
Don't miss it if you have a chance to watch it!

Alltal mar festmeny elott ugy, hogy a fantaziad kerek tortenetet szott kore? Ha igen, akkor ez a film neked keszult! Ha nem - akkor neked keszult! :)
A film maga egy festmeny ...tortenettel,tortenelemmel, szimbolikaval, muveszettel...Bruegel alakjai eletre kelnek....Vizualis mestermu! Ne hagyjatok ki!


Etsy is getting bigger and bigger - which means  more and more shops,
styles, medium - but it also means that it is harder and harder to find
what you really like. Many shops follow the "mainstream"
taste and that makes harder to find the shops not-in-the-mainstream.
I was really happy to find Aviva's shop - because I think what she does
is truly original: she developed a technique to make art from recycled
color plastic paper.
The way she uses colors, patterns, her abstracts just awed me! Please
check out her shop
Isn't it amazing?

Egyre nagyobb az Etsy - egyre tobb bolt, stilus, medium - ami jo, mert egyre nagyobb a valasztek - viszont egyre nehezebb is megtalalni, ami igazan tetszik. Nagyon sok - originalis, egyedi uzletet "nyom" el a tomegizlest,tomegigenyt kiszolgalo elado. Az igeny diktalta piac egy mas tema, most inkabb egy nagyon eredeti uzletet szeretnek Nektek mutatni!:): AVIVART
Aviva, a tulajdonos egy altala kifejlesztett technikaval, szines muanyagzacskok felhasznalasaval keszit absztrakt kepeket. Egy csepp festek nelkul! Erdemes meglatogatni a boltjaban!:)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bad As Me

His new album is out! BIG LIKE!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011


When I was looking for a brand-name for my glass I wanted something which express light and colors... It was when I first found out about Diwali. Unfortunetly the name was taken but my interest stayed to learn about this celebration. Every year around this time there is a big Diwali Festival in Balboa Park, San Diego. I would not miss it ! Diwali is one of the biggest festival of Hindus, celebrated for five continuous days, where the third days is celebrated as the main Diwali festival or 'Festival of lights'.

The celebration was amazing - enjoyed by people of every religion - it was about joy, happiness and festivity. The clothes....the music.....the dances.... just magical!
( it is intresting that some folk costume make every women like a princess - it is all about to emphasize her beauty,femininity, sexuality...till others (like in Eastern Europe) all of these hide under layers of clothes,headscarf etc...)

Food is important part of every celebration in any we had an indian dinner - to make the evening perfect!:)

"May this Diwali bring joy, health and wealth to you. May the festival of lights brighten up you and your near and dear ones lives. May the Diwali light show us the way and lead us together on the path of peace harmony WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY DIWALI!"

Eloszor akkor talalkoztam a Diwali fesztivallal, mikor nevet kerestem az uvegeimnek. Olyat szerettem volna, ami kifejezi az uveg lenyeget - feny es szinek...Sajnos, a Diwali nev mar foglalt volt, de az erdeklodes maradt. Minden oktoberben hatalmas Diwali Festival van a Balboa Parkban - nem hagytuk ki iden sem!:)
Ez az unnep, ami osszehozza a kulonbozo vallasu, hitu embereket, csaladokat, fenyrol szol -minden ertelmezesben ....Zene, tanc, a ruhak.....fantasztikus volt!:)
( Milyen mas az o nepviseletuk, ezek a ruhak hercegnove varazsolnak mindenkit, a noiseget hangsulyozzak, szepseget, szexualitast....mig masfele ( pl Kelet Europaban) sok sok reteg, fejkendo, vastag harisnya ala rejtjuk mindezt...)

Termeszetesen az indiai etkek is emlitesre meltoak voltak!:)
Boldog Diwalit!:)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Glassimo Giveaway/Nyeremenyjatek

It is time for a new Glassimo Giveaway!:) As always I'll keep it simple:
You can easily win this unique, truly one-of-a-kind Glassimo necklace.
All you need to do :

1. leave a comment under this post (please be sure to leave a contact
2. be a blog follower (if you haven't already)
3. share this giveaway on your blog/FB/Twitter (each sharing earns extra
chances to win - just let me know where did you post it)
4. for an extra chance be my FB follower

Please send your entry until noon on October 30th (Pacific Time) when
the Random Number Generator will choose the lucky winner.

Good luck everyone and have a great weekend!:)

Itt az ido, hogy ujra jatszunk!:) Mint mindig, igyekszem most is nem tulbonyolitani - semmi mast nem kell tenni ezert az egyedi nyaklancert, minthogy:

1. Irj egy megjegyzest ehhez a bejegyzeshez. (Kerlek hagyj elerhetosegi infot-arra az esetre, ha Fortuna teged valaszt:)))
2. Oszd meg a jatekot a blogodon/FB oldaladon/Twitteren stb...Minel tobb helyen teszed, annal nagyobb az eselyed a nyeresre ( csak ird meg hany helyen osztottad meg)
3. Ha a FB oldalamon is koveto leszel azzal is no az esely!:)

A jatekot Oktober 30-an,delben (PT) zarom le, s ekkor Random Number Generatorral kisorsolom a szerencses nyertest!:)

Jo jatekot, sok szerencset es szep hetveget mindenkinek!:)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jazz For A Rainy Afternoon

Do you listen to music while working? What kind?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My new abstracts

I would like to show you my new abstracts - before I ship them to
Sparrow Collective.
I just LOVE to make abstract design - so much possibility to play with
colors and shapes. Definitely it takes much more firing and cold work
hours than a "regular" fused glass jewelry - but I think it's worth it!
Truly Glassimo - truly me.:)
I always pair them with simple cord/necklace or ring base - to keep the
modern approach.

Szeretnem megmutatni az Absztrak sorozat uj ekszereit, mielott feladom oket Michiganbe!:) Szeretem oket csinalni, bar joval nagyobb munka, sokkal tobb idot igenyel, mint a hagyomanyos uvegekszer - de megeri!:) Sok lehetoseg szinekkel, formakkal jatszani - minden darab egyedi, Glassimo!:)
(Mindig egyszeru lanccal, gyuru-alappal parositom, hogy megmaradjon a modern jellege.)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Long Beach Antique Market

3rd Sunday of every month Long Beach/CA is home of the Long Beach Antique Flea Market - named the Top Ten Flea Market in the US. ( on FB ) We were there yesterday! 20 acres, half million antiques, vintage items for sale...unbelievable!:) On a hot day like yesterday it is almost impossible to browse through every vendor's tent - but it was definitely a fun day! (And hard to keep yourself back from buying impulsively.... But I did buy two glass items...:) An old vase (I think it is gorgeous) and another thing – a glass telephone line insulator. I love its color... I might start to collect them!:)
Have a great week everyone!

Minden honap vasarnapjan tartjak Long Beach-en az Antik Kirakodovasart, ami az USA 10 legjobb antik vasara koze tartozik. ( FB oldaluk)Hatalmas teruleten, felmillio aru...mindehhez tegnap meg egy jo kis kanikula is tarsult - szinte lehetetlen volt mindent vegignezni! Ugy tunt labunk elott hever Amerika egesz tortenelme, illetve annak relikviai.... Nehezen fogtam magam vissza az impulziv vasarlastol!:) Ket uvegtargyat azert vettem, egy regi vaza, ami szerintem gyonyoru! ( $4.00-ra alkudtam:) s egy antik biztositofej,(?) vagy nem is tudom hogy hivjak ezt, nalunk porcelanbol keszul, itt uvegbol(anno) csodaszep szinuek - szerintem gyujto leszek!:)
Szep hetet mindenkinek!

Friday, October 14, 2011

New Sushi Set

This sushi set was made for the Make Good store. I wanted to design something reserved and elegant. I used three soft colors - off-white, pale gray and pale blue with a small transparent red accent. The colors are the same on all plates, the patterns are different. I think it turned out great!:) What do you think?

Have a great weekend everyone!XO

Ez a sushi-szett a Make Good uzletnek keszult. Sushi temaban nekem az egyszeru, elegans, sima vonalu jon be, ezert itt most visszafogott szineket hasznaltam - szurkes-kek, kekes-szurke es feheret. Minden tal azonos szinu, de kulonbozo mintaju, kozos bennuk az a kis piros attetszo uvegbol keszult negyzet akszent. Nekem tetszik:) Nektek?
Szep hetveget mindenkinek! XO

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

simply cool

simply cool

my new cuff bracelet and Polivone...:) (I'm not sure why the pictures
became fuzzy.)...It is fun to see how my piece integrates with other
pieces and to watch the holistic picture of the style I imagined while I
was making the jewelry emerges.:)

Jo jatek ez a Polivone - erdekes az en darabjaimat olyan "kornyezetbe" helyezni, amit elkepzelek nekik mikozben keszulnek...(Na, ezekbe a mondatokba nem csak angolul, de magyarul is belekavarodtam, remelem azert ertheto!?:))

Marc by Marc Jacobs short sleeve dress
$298 -

Elliot Mann handbag
€259 -

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Black and Glassimo

My new jewelry set....and the way I'd wear it:)

black with Glassimoi

J Crew cotton shirt
$80 -

Juicy couture shoes
$250 -

Monday, October 10, 2011

My Afternoons With Margueritte

A sweet, touching French movie - to prove that magic can happen even when you do not expect it. Two very different people connect... it is a love-friendship story... simply beautiful.

Nagyon kedves francia film - arrol, hogy csodak barmikor, barkivel tortenhetnek. Ket teljesen kulonbozo ember meghitt baratsaga...nagyon egyszeruen, szepen.

5 Things I Love Today


I've always loved Kiss Erzsi!:)
Van ebben a Kiss Erzsiben valami osi ero!:) 

2. Szerelmesfilm!:)We watched after who knows how many years! A must see movie.

Nem is tudom mikor lattam utoljara. Jo volt ujra...

3. Opi Fall 2011. Their collection is always inspiring!:) ( Did you know that the owner is Hungarian? Shouldn't we get free samples?:)

Opi lakkok oszi kollekcioja. Mindig inspiraloak a szinei, s meg a nevadasuk is kreativ!:) ( Magyar a tulaj - nem kellene ingyenes mintakat kapnunk?:)

4. I like everything Scandinavian! (at least what I know from that area) I'm a big fan of Finnish Architecture, Danish design, IKEA, Ingmar Bergman, Jan Garbarek, Dogme movement and of course contemporary movies. This book is a collection of novels from the Twentieth Century. Very diverse, complex book.

Szeretem a skandinavokat!:) Finn epiteszet, dan dizajn, Ikea, Bergman, Garbarek persze a kortars filmek, irodalom... Ez a konyv egy huszadik szazadi skandinav novella gyujtemeny. Sokszinu, sokretegu, koltoi.

5. And jewelry of course!

I found Ulrike Hamm's site yesterday - and I was amazed by her style - she uses parchment paper - which is a very uncommon material for making jewelry. Isn't she awesome?
Es persze ekszerek !:) Tegnap talaltam a nemet Ulrike Hamm weboldalara, s teljesen lenyugozotek a kulonleges papirbol keszult ekszerei! Azta!!!:)

Have a happy week everyone!
Szep hetet mindenkinek!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Make Good

I'm happy and I want to share the news with you!:) From now on another
wonderful new shop is going to sell Glassimo items!:) I met Sophia, the
owner of this artsy-handmade shop today and discussed our collaboration.
The shop is in South Park - which is one of my favorite parts of San
Diego. Small shops, restaurants, cafes... A bit reminds me small
European cities where you belong to a neighborhood... Sophia's shop
called Make Good. The shop's philosophy is according to their business card:
"contributing and celebrating our neighborhood, and trying to make it a
little better, one handmade item at a time". I just love the way Sophia
reaches out to local artisans and focuses on her neighbors.
If you are in SD area please stop by at the truly one-of-a-kind shop
and see what is good:)
Or you can check it out on its website, FB page.
I'm happy to be part of this awesome team:)
Thank you Sophia!:)

Orulok, s szeretnem veletek megosztani!:) Matol egy ujabb kezmuvesboltban is kaphatoak lesznek a Glassimo ekszerek, talak. Az uzlet neve Make Good, s a varos egyik szamomra nagyon kedves negyedeben, South Parkban talalhato. Kicsit europai hangulatu a sok apro uzletevel, kavezoival, itt meg igazi kozossegben elnek a lakoi...Ma volt megbeszelesunk Sophiaval, aki az uzlet tulajdonosa. Remelem gyumolcsozo lesz mindkettonk szamara a kollaboracio!:)
Az uzlet weboldala itt
FB oldala pedig itt

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hot from the kiln

As I mentioned it before, besides new jewelry designs I've been working on plates as well. This is the latest piece just out of the kiln. I used transparent glass in shades of blue and green. Modern. Simple. Glassimo!:)
Ahogy emlitettem, az ekszerek mellett dolgozom uj talakon is. Ez a legfrissebb - epp, hogy szobahomersekleture hult (ekkor lehet csak kivenni a kemencebol -kulonben "sokkot" kaphat az uveg, no meg a keszitoje (meg rosszabb, ha a vasarlo), mert egyszercsak kettetorik a tal...) Nalam altalaban ejszakaba nyulik az egetes-hutesi procedura, igy reggelre marad az izgalmas kemenceajto felnyitasa....:) Nem a kemenceajto izgalmas, hanem, ami mogotte van....:) Mert sokszor egeszen mas, mint amire szamitunk....idonkent nagyon ontorvenyu esemenyek zajlanok ott a zart falak kozott/mogott....:)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Not quite Autumn yet

Hetvegere vartam, talan felenk is bekoszont az osz, Ady trefas faleveleivel!?:) Nem koszontott. Itt meg nincsenek busak, biborak, talan csak annyibol erzekelheto az uj evszak, hogy hosszabbak az arnyekok...Nehany keresetlen szombat-vasarnapi-nem oszies kattogtatas - no, es minden jo kivansag Nektek erre a hetre!:) XO

I was hoping that Fall would finally arrive but it did not. No change of colors, no cooling down, only the shadows are longer... couple of pics from our not-yet-Fall weekend - and best wishes to you for this week!:) XO
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