Monday, January 31, 2011

Bódvalenke - Freskófalu

Magyarorszagon lattam egy dokufilmet errol a kezdemenyezesrol. Azota is sokszor eszembejut.

Milyen jo is lenne tobb hasonlorol hallani ebben az eloiteletekkel teli vilagunkban. Ez a falu a maga erejebol szeretne kitorni a nyomorusagbol - egy kis segitseggel csodakat alkotnak. Igy is lehet.

"Az Európában egyedülálló közösségi művészeti alkotás ötlete Pásztor Esztertől, az Európa Műhely Kulturális és Közművelődési Társaság projektvezetőjétől származik. „Megelégeltem a nyomorúságos közállapotokat, és úgy gondoltam, tenni kéne valamit. Két évvel ezelőtt egy barátom hozott el Bódvalenkére, hogy csináljunk valamit, ebben a halálra ítélt faluban” – mesél a kezdetekről Pásztor Eszter. „Beugrott egy tizenöt évvel korábbi egyiptomi emlékem: van egy falu, ahol kipingálták a házak falait és ragyogóan megéltek ebből a helyiek. Sorra mennek a turistabuszok, etetik, itatják őket.” Az Aggteleki Nemzeti Parkba látogató turisták akár Bódvalenkére is átugorhatnának, hogy megcsodálják ezt a különleges művészeti projektet, ugyanis csak 10 km a távolság. "

Igy indult, a tovabbiakat elolvashatjatok a web oldalukon es itt .  

Help is requested for the implementation of a very special project. One of the Hungary’s most deprived ghetto villages struck with multiple deprivation wishes to get back on its feet, to demonstrate that with a little help it is able to break out of poverty through its own efforts.

A centre of art unique in Europe is in the making in this village: a tremendous open-air exhibition of European Roma painiting. Initially, Hungarian Roma painters painted murals on the walls: so far, thirteen monumental works have been completed. As of the spring of 2011, Roma painters from other European countries will also be invited.
More about this here

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Knitted Glass

This pendant is part of my new series called Knitted Glass. To achieve this unique look I fused transparent and opal glass rods and stringers togather. After that I shaped it on my diamond grinder then  fused again for shine and durability. It was fun - hope you like it:)

Uj sorozat indul : Kotott Uveg neven:) Ez az elso darabok egyike. Attetszo es opal uvegrudakat olvasztottam ossze, majd gyemant-csiszoloval formaltam . Ezutan ujra ment a kemencebe - igy nehany nap alatt el is erte a vegleges arculatat. ( Az uveg-fusing nagyon nagy turelemre nevel - pedig nekem alaptermeszetem a turelmetlenseg:))

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

San Diego North Park Craft Mafia's 3rd Annual Valentine's Gift Bazaar

I've have been accepted to be a vendor in San Diego North Park Craft Mafia's Valentine's Day Gift Bazaar !:)
If you are in the area and looking for a unique gift for your Valentine, please come by and also bring your friends along to the Craft Show and shop from local artists while enjoying free appetizers and drink specials!
Happy hour all nite! A perfect Handmade shopping experience for those who have or don't have Valentine's.
When: between 6 pm - 10 pm on Thursday, February 10, 2011
Where: at El Take It Easy
3926 30th St. (between University Ave & Lincoln Ave)
San Diego, CA 92104

Hope to see you there! It's going to be fun! :)

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New listing in my Etsy shop.I just love grey! Do you?:)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Polymer Clay Necklace In Progress

This polyclay piece is under progress. I want to keep its simplicity but make the colors more "washed out" looking... not pastel but more subtle… I do constant research on polyclay color mixing, how can one create ANY color using the basic colors (and anything else - like acrylic paint, spices from your kitchen, etc.). You can make your unique colors by rolling the most strange colors together -there is no limit just your imagination....:) ( A little color theory helps but my advice would be to forget about the rules and start experimenting........

That's what I've been doing:)

Meg dolgozom rajta, nem a vegleges darab. Az egyszeruseget, formajat szeretnem megtartani - de a szineket ennel "mosottabbnak" kepzelem. Nem paszteleket akarok, csak olyan......szoval, mosottakat!:)   Izgalmas  feladat szineket kikeverni -ill. "kigyurni" nehany alapszinbol! Egy kis Szinelmelet hasznos lehet, de meginkabb a kiserletezo kedv , amivel batran keverheto a gyurma pl akril festekkel, vagy akar a konyhai fuszerekkel -( allitolag fahejjal remek terracotta szin  allithato elo :))  Egyelore en meg csak gyurmat gyurmaval kevertem, de hamarosan bevetem a szegedi pirospaprikat!:)
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mid-January Giveaway - and the winner is..........

Congratulations,LYUDMILA!!:)))..... You won Mid-January giveaway!:)

Thank to everyone who entered. As a token of appreciation I offer to every participant 15% off from all my jewelry until January 26th.

Use the following coupon code during check out in my Etsy store:

Thank you all again! Check back soon for new giveaways!:)

A jatekot most  Lyudmila nyerte, de minden resztvevonek szeretnek felajanlani 15% kedvezmenyt az Etsy boltom  ekszer-valasztekabol, januar 26-ig - ezzel is megkoszonve a jatekot! A fizetesnel a "coupon code"hoz irjatok a MIDJANUARY jelszot, s igy az Etsy  automatikusan levonja a kedvezmenyt.
Koszonom meg egyszer - Hamarosan ujra jatszunk!:)

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I've been getting the Spiegel catalog online for long time.... Usually I don't find too much stuff that I like (animal prints - ouchhh:)... but in the latest issue I did find few really simple yet chic outfits... My favorite collection is the Casual  Sporty Luxe. Check it out - and buy some colorful Glassimo jewelry pieces to accessorize them!:)

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday Artisan: Glassimo

I'm flattered to be featured on Adore by Nat blog. Please stop by and leave a comment if you like!:)
Thank you Nat!

Az a megtiszteltetes ert, hogy  bemutatkozhattam az Adore by Nat blog-on. Ha van kedvetek nezzetek be Nat-hez!:)
Koszonom Nat!:)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter Morning

I just love winter. It was not always the case but since I live in California I have a craving for the four seasons - mostly for winter.

(Friends on the East Coast and other harsh climate please don't hate me - I do understand your everyday struggle with the snow!)

I made this treasury which reflects my longing for winter. Please check it out - you will find gorgeous Etsy shops there!

Igen,szeretem a telet - foleg miota keves jut belole. ( Anno nem annyira szerettem:))  Ez az Etsy Treasury is errol a tel utani vagyakozasrol szol ( kozben hallvan a megjegyzeseket;)) Minek siettetjuk mindig az idot, miert kell mar most a boltokba kipakolni azokat az atkozott bikiniket???:)))

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mid-January Giveaway

I have planned to make a giveaway on my blog for long time. I wanted to make this as simple as possible - I don't know you but to me it is really frustrating when the entry is about 25 steps :) my giveaway is as simple as:

1. follow this blog AND my FB page (You don’t have to be a new follower or fan to enter)

2. leave a comment under this post

Extra entry : share the word on your blog/twitter/FB etc (provide a link please)

Open to everyone worldwide!
The giveaway ends January 19, 2011 at 12pm Pacific Time.
 Winner will be selected using
Please remember to include some sort of contact info (etsy shop, blog, website etc )

And about the prize:
It is a handmade, original Glassimo fused glass necklace. I fused two layers of specialty glass together to get this dashing and unique effect. It is a chic and modern still feminine jewelry.
The size of the pendant is 2" x 1" (50mm x25mm). It comes with a sleek stainless steel chocker.
Good luck to everyone and thank you for participating!

JATEK Glassimo ekszerert! Semmi mast nem kell tenned, csak
1. Legy a blog es a FB/Glassimo kovetoje
2. Kommentald ezt a bejegyzest.

Ha a blogodban/weboldaladon/twitteren/FB-on kozzeteszed a jatekot meg tovabb noveled az eselyed a nyeresre! Kerlek add meg a linket, ahol emlited a jatekot.

A jatek Januar 19 -ig tart, ekkor a kivalasztja nyertest!
Kerek minden jatekost, hogy hagyjon egy elerhetosegi cimet ( blog, weboldal stb).
Sok szerencset es koszonom mindenkinek a jatekot!
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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekend Snapshots

Have a great week everyone!
Szep hetet Nektek!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just Red

New piece on Etsy. Something simple. Easy.Simply red.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter in Hungary

few winter pictures from my recent trip to Hungary

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Color of the year - Honeysuckle

I always check out the Pantone's color-forecast which is for professional designers - but I never follow it strictly. I use this tool as an inspiration in my creative work (jewelry and interior design). It is fun to know the trend but I always use colors the way I like it at the moment. I mix and match them or intentionally mismatch them.
As we can read it on Pantene's site the color of 2011 is the reddish pink Honeysuckle.(PANTONE 18-2120) I'm not really into pinks... but everything depends on how you use it. I like certain hues of pink with grays, blacks or browns - with those colors pink is not too sugary...:)

Pantone said:
Honeysuckle emboldens us to face everyday troubles with verve and vigor. A dynamic reddish pink, Honeysuckle is encouraging and uplifting. It elevates our psyche beyond escape, instilling the confidence, courage and spirit to meet the exhaustive challenges that have become part of everyday life.
Courageous. Confident. Vital. A brave new color, for a brave new world. Let the bold spirit of Honeysuckle infuse you, lift you and carry you through the year. It’s a color for every day – with nothing “everyday” about it.
So let's give a try to Honeysuckle - it can't be that bad!:)

Figyelemmel kovetem a szin-szakertonek szamito Pantone trendjeit, de  szamomra ez inkabb jatek, inspiracio- forras.
Pantone a mályvás rózsaszínt  nevezte meg  a 2011-es év szinenek. Az árnyalat kódja 18-2120, neve pedig a honeysuckle (lonc).

Nem mondanam, hogy a rozsaszin a kedvenc szinem, de bizonyos arnyalatait szeretem, foleg szurkevel, barnaval, feketevel - ezekkel a szinekkel mar nem annyira "edeskes," -igaz, nem is annyira romantikus...:)

"A Pantone vezérigazgatója szerint igazán felpezsdítő színről van szó, melynek adrenalinszint-növelő hatása is van. A Pantone szakértői szerint a honeysuckle bátor, magabiztos és életteli szín, ami tökéletesen mutat női kiegészítőkön, de azért is nyerhetett, mert állítólag férfi nyakkendőkön és ingeken is jól mutat."

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Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011!

As the new year blossoms, may the journey of your life be fragrant with new opportunities, your days be bright with new hopes and your heart be happy with love! Happy New Year!
Glassimo is now reopened on Etsy - to celebrate the new year I offer 15% off of each item until January 23th. Use the HAPPY2011 coupon code at the check out.

Kivanok mindannyiotoknak  sok vidamsaggal es szeretettel teli , boldog uj esztendot!  Az uj ev ,uj lehetosegek unneplesere az Etsy boltomban minden termekre 15% kedvezmenyt adok. Teendo csupan annyi, hogy a fizeteskor irjatok e a HAPPY2011 kupon kodot.

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