Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gallery Night at the Cedros Design District, Solana Beach

There was a Gallery Night at the Cedros Design District, Solana Beach tonight. On the third Thursday of the month (almost) every gallery stays open a little later and welcomes patrons to cruise around in the twilight hours. It's fun to walk through the galleries, checking out new exhibitions, get some wine and cheese, chat with the owners - the point here is to get out and mingle.
Compared to last time we went this time there was much less people and fewer galleries must be the recession...:(

Minden honap harmadik csutortoken a Cedros Design District legtobb galeriaja a szokasosnal tovabbtart nyitva. Jo dolog korbejarni a galeriakat, megnezni az uj kiallitasokat, beszelgetni a tulajdonosokkal bor es sajt kisereteben....csak lazan elvegyulve:) Osszehasonlitva az eddigi Galeriak Estejevel erezhetoen visszaesett ugy a galeriak szama,mint a latogatok szama.......ez is a recesszio hatasa:( Mi kitartunk!:)

1 comment:

s@só said...

:)))) tartsatok is!

Idehaza néha akkora a recesszió, hogy nézni is elfelejtünk.....

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