There is good Mexican restaurant in the city. Rather there is some 100 good Mexican restaurants in the city but this one is different... The athmosphere (the entrance is through a flower garden), the lights, the Mexican relics on the wall, Frida, ... everything is friendly but mysterious. The food is always fresh, the service is quick and attentive. And the seafood chowder is superb!:) The taste resembles the fish soup from my hometown but it is possible that it just homesickness!:)
If someone wants to try the Mexican seafood chowder here is the recipe
Van egy jo kis mexikoi etterem a varosban! Pontosabban azt hiszem tobb szaz jo kis mexikoi etterem van a varosban, de ez valahogy mas...Az atmoszferaja ( mar a bejarat is egy viragdzsungel!:), fenyei, a mexikoi relikviak a falon, Frida, olajmecses....baratsagosan titokzatosak. Az etel mindig friss, kiszolgalas figyelmes es gyors . ES! A "seafood chowder"- uk valami csoda!:) Izre icipicit emlekeztetett a szegedi halaszlere is, de ez lehet, hogy tulfutott erzelmi honvagyos rahangolodas !:)
Ha valaki szeretne kiprobalni a mexikoi tengeriherkentyus levest, ime a recept:
Mexican seafood chowder
Things You'll Need:
canned clams
peeled shrimp
crab meat
any white fish
1 tomato bouillon cube
Turn your stove on medium heat. Get a big cooking pot and fill it half way with water. Add salt and one piece of peeled garlic. Then take your bouillon cube and smash it up with your fingers and put it in the water.
Cut up all your veggies in bite size pieces and add them to the water. When you cut up the jalapenos cut them in four long pieces and add them to the water. Know you will want to wash your hands so the jalapenos don't burn your skin!
Cook the veggies until they are soft.It usually takes fifteen minutes. When the veggies are ready add your clams,shrimp and crab meat,fish.Cook for about five more minutes. When you are ready to serve squeeze some lime over the soup. Enjoy!