Monday, May 28, 2012

Selling Glassimo

I'm happy to announce that there is a new addition to the store line-up selling Glassimo jewelry and home decors: Kettle Falls Arts& Craft Gallery in Washington !:) If you are in that area please stop by at this wonderful shop in the historic Apple Warehouse - and discover unique hand-made items from around the nation.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My gift to Jenny McCarthy

Peak view... My gift to Jenny McCarthy... I wanted to make something cool, casual but truly unique. I need to finish the chain, write a few words to her, make a nice packaging - and ship it this week. Let's hope she will like it. :) (Majdnem)kesz Jenny ajandeka....Sokat tervezgettem, rajzolgattam, voltak proba-egetesek....mindenkepp olyat szerettem volna, ami egyszeru, visszafogott es kulonleges, nem a megszokott uvegekszer. Meg a lancot be kell fejeznem, rovid levelket irok, szepen becsomagolom es a heten postazom. S mar csak az marad, hogy remenykedem, hogy tetszeni fog. :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Lounge

Thanks for visiting!:)

Try Handmade


fused glass, art, music, everyday life


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