Finally I've got to see these exhibitions in Mingei International Museum. Four equally interesting shows in the same time:
Started with
San Diego's Craft Revolution. Absolutely fabulous collection of designs from San Diego area from post war to 70's. Jewelry, pottery, furniture... The show represents wonderfully the new meaning of "Craft".
And three exhibitions on the second floor:
Ancient symbols,mythology,....some painting reminded me even of cave paintings
In the next corner is:
The Art of Polymer Clay...
Fantastic, detailed jewelry... just fascinating what can be done with polymer clay...
And my beloved Finnish Design!:)
Northern Stars
No doubt I like their textiles, furniture, glass art, ceramics, Alvar Aalto,Timo Sarpaneva, Marimekko, Fiskars, etc... but what I most admire is their philosophy, they approach, the way they see "design" as the art of everyday life, for everyday people, not as a luxury for the elites and privileged.
Mingei - as always - did an exceptional job presenting these outstanding artists. Without using big words, but after visiting Mingei you always become a little better person. And we know - every little thing counts!:)
More pictures are
Happy new week everyone!
Vegre eljutottam a Mingei Museumba, ahol egyidoben 4 izgalmas kiallitas van.
A legnagyobb gyujtemenyes kiallitas 40 -es evektol a 70-es evekig mutatja be San Diego-i muveszek munkait....- ez a kiallitas is ujraertelmezi a "craft" es "art" fogalmat, illetve, hogy nem valaszthatjuk mereven kulon oket.
A kovetkezo kiallitas a 91 evesen is alkoto Ynez Johnston festmenyei, szobrai...Engem leginkabb osi barlangrajzokra emlekeztettek. Modern mitologia....
A harmadik resz a Polymer Clay ekszereke. Minden csodalatom es tiszteletem az agyaggal dolgozo muveszeknek, bamulatos reszleteket tudnak "kigyurmazni" ! :) Vegtelen lehetosegeket rejt ez az anyag!
Es vegul a Finn Design kiallitas....!! Butorok, ekszerek, formatervezes,design nagyjai: Alvar Aalto, Timo Sarpaneva, Marimekko, Fiskars..stb. Termeszetesen csodalatosak es nagyon szeretem oket - de nekem leginkabb a finn stilusban a filozofiajuk tetszik, ahogy mindennapiva es elerhetove teszik , hogy mindannyian szep, igenyes, muveszi szinvonalu targyakkal vehessuk korul magunkat , hogy mindez ne csak egy elitista luxus legyen.
Kerulven a nagy szavakat, de Mingei most is, - mint mindig olyan kiallitast csinalt, ahonnan egy kicsit jobb emberkent tavozik a latogato. S tudjuk, minden kicsi szamit....:)
Tobb kep itt
Szep uj hetet Nektek!XO