To be more precise it had a very bad start since record setting cold and rain was in the forecast… In a place where it’s always way too hot and rain is a rare occasion…. Anyway, this was all set so we had to go!:)
This small town has a very special mood… perhaps the myth which still can be felt. This was the favorite place to party of the 50s and 60s Hollywood rich and famous. Everyone who was somebody had a house there – today buses-loads of tourists visit these places:) It must have been a very exciting life in this desert oasis for all the stars – if those stones could tell their stories of exuberance!:) But it was not only famous as the amusement place for the privileged but was also well-known for the modern architecture which started to boom in the 50s and created a real movement in the US. The “Mid Century Modern” grew out of Bauhaus in the US and such architects were important representatives of the school as Albert Frey, Donald Wexler, Richard Neutra, E. Stewart Williams, John Lautner and many others.
I do not know what your feelings are towards this style but I like it very much - I am drawn to the 60s anyway!:) I like the large floor-to-ceiling windows, the clean shapes, the bare frames, the white walls – only the desert life-style which is not too alluringJ
Besides the Wexler exhibit I was awed by the contemporary glass exhibition in the Palm Springs Art Museum… It is fantastic what some people can do with glass!!:)) Finally, I could see a Lino Tagliapietra piece from up close – I was not disappointed!:)
(To Round Rabbit: Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to see the documentary but I'll order it online! Thank you!
Van ennek a kisvarosnak egy kulonleges hangulata....talan a mitosz, ami mai napig korul lengi. Az 50-es, 60-as evekben ez volt Hollywood egyik kedvenc party-helye, mindenkinek, aki szamitott haza volt itt - ma ezekhez a hazakhoz zarandok turista buszok viszik az erdeklodoket:) Hatalmas elet lehetett ebben a foleg sztarok lakta sivatagi oazisban,- ha ezek a kovek meselni tudnanak, biztos sok bujasagot megtudnank!:) De nem csak a kivaltsagosok szorakozo helyerol hires, hanem az 50-es evekben fellendulo modern epiteszeterol, ami iskolateremto volt Amerikaban. A "Mid Century Modern" Amerikaban a Bauhausbol notte ki magat, olyan epiteszeket jegyez a stilus,mint Albert Frey, Donald Wexler, Richard Neutra, E. Stewart Williams, John Lautner, es sokan masok. A varos ma is tele klasszikus modern stilusu butor es design uzletekkel, galeriakkal.
Nem tudom ki hogy erez ezzel a stilussal kapcsolatban, en nagyon szeretem - amugy is van egy eros vonzodasom a 60-as evekhez!:)) Tetszenek a padlotol mennyezetig ero ablakok, a letisztult formak, a szabadon hagyott tartoszerekezetek, a feher falak, - egyedul a sivatagi eletmod, ami nem vonzo szamomra:)
Az Art Museumban a Wexler kiallitas mellett a kortars uveg kiallitason tatottam a szam.......Fantasztikus, hogy egyesek mire kepesek az uveggel!!:))
Vegre kozelrol lathattam egy Lino Tagliapietra alkotast is - Nem okozott csalodast!:)
Ez a Lino tényleg nem semmi! El nem tudom képzelni, milyen technikával, hogyan készíthette ezeket a csodákat. Most megint kicsit irigykedem, micsoda klassz dolgokat láthattál! és köszönöm, hogy megosztod velünk, sajna valószínű, nem mostanában megyek Palm Springsbe::(( - így meg kaptam ízelítőt Tőled!
Happy to be your newest follower! Love your pictures, very beautiful. Feel free to check out my blog.
Stay Glamorous!
Rachel DeSantis
Koszonom a szep kepeket, Judit! A rosz kezdet ellenere ugy tunik vegul megis gyonyoru idotok volt! A kepek szepek es nagyon kedv csinaloak. Maris indulok Palm Spring-be :-))
Raneztem a Lino oldalra is, gyonyoruek a munkai. Mondd Te, aki eloben lattad: Az uveg eleve szines/csikos, vagy fenyhatas? Vagy mindketto?
Nagyon szivesen Dorka!:)
Rachel: Thank you so much for following my blog!:) Unfortunatly I'm not able to open your blog:(
Could you please send me the link?Thank you!
Anonymous: Nem, feny magaban ilyen hatast nem tud produkalni, ott bizony a Mester fantasztikus uveg manipulacioja a "tettes":) Annyira elegans, finom - engem teljesen lenyugoz!:)
Koszonom mindenkinek, aki erre jart es irt is par sort. Kommentek nelkul nehez blogot irni!:) XO
I loved your tour of Palm Springs! I've been there many times and tend to agree with you that the clean lines are really cool. Your newest follower from EBT, welcome.
Found you through the EBT forum discussions.
Thanks for writing about this - the first photo takes me back to a few trips I have taken that have started like that : )
Happy following too!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog!I'm a happy new follower of both blogs - they are very cool!:)
Have a great day Ladies!
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